Frequent questions
- At what age should I get the puppy ?
The best age for the puppy to leave its group is between 60-80 days p.c (post coitum : after birth).
- When should I start the puppy's socialization ?
The Kennel which you 'll turn to, ought to have already started a socialization programme for the puppy,so when the puppies get fully vaccinated and they go out, they can continue with it. The dog's socialization never stops! The more a young dog socializes the better it will handle each situation.
- What is the expected character ?
The instinct of struggling and defense.
- What is the expected temperament ?
The puppy is expected to chase the ball, to play with various toys, and to feel comfortable and happy when it's with its owner.
- What does 'tempra' mean ?
The dog's ability to respond to stress.